Little Jesus Lost & Found

I went to the grocery store today bought a ton of groceries. By the time I left the grocery store, it was only 10 minutes before Cooper’s scheduled napped time. Cooper was getting kind of cranky. I was trying to hurry to the car and get it all loaded up so I could get him home and in his crib before to long. As I reached into the front pocket of my purse for my keys, I gasped. NO KEYS!! I started to frantically tear my purse apart, still no keys. You know what happened next, I panicked. I went back inside and searched up and down the isles, went back to the check out I was in, talked to customer service–STILL NO KEYS! Now I am really panicking, especially since Cooper is really getting overtired at this point. Finally, I call Chris. Chris has to leave work to come and get me. Chris asked that I keep looking the whole time he is on his way, which was just what Cooper and I did. We paced the isles, up and down, up and down, and I am repeating to myself, “little Jesus lost and found, please bring my keys around” over and over in my head. STILL NO KEYS!! We took out every item I bought thinking it had been dropped into one of the bags. STILL NO KEYS!!! At this point it has been almost an hour since I realized I had lost my keys. THEN….over the loud speaker a man’s voice announces, “if someone lost their keys in produce, come and pick them up.” HOORAY! My keys were found. Guess where they were…..laying in the bin with the pears. What a weird place for them don’t you think? Not sure how they ended up there. Thank God I found them! The only bad thing, Chris had finally made it to the store at the same time I relocated my keys.

Cooper’s napping now, I have my keys, I have unloaded my groceries, I’m thankful for my husband’s patience with me, and praising God for an answer to prayer!