September Recap

Emery, Cooper, Anna, & Molly (Annie's Visit)

Cooper's 3rd Birthday Party

The beginning of September started off with a few different parties and the girls got sick 🙁

The following weekend my step-mom came into town for a quick visit, which was a lot of fun. The kids love playing with grandma!!

The following Thursday- Sunday my good friend Annie and her 8 month old daughter, Emery, came for a visit from Maryland. We had a blast hanging out and letting the kids play together! Emery is the cutiest baby ever 🙂 She has a great smile and just always happy.

Then when I was taking Annie back to the airport, my friend Jayme (from DC) surprised me at the airport for my 30th birthday. She told me she was staying for the week. We had a jam packed week. We got our nails and hair done. We did a ton of shopping to find things to decorate my empty house. We also made it to the beach one day to soak up some sun.

Cooper turned 3 on September 22nd and I turned 30 on September 22nd too. We had a family dinner that night, which was a lot of fun. Then Cooper has his friend’s birthday party that following Saturday- a Cars theme. Then we all had dinner at my in-laws with my brother and sister-in-law and my niece for my birthday dinner again! A lot of celebrating going on. It was a blast.

Today is the first day we’ve had down in a while, but I think it is very needed. The girls have colds again or are teething and are super tired. Cooper is quietly playing with some of his new birthday gifts in the other room as I type this. What a September!!

2 Comments on “September Recap”

  1. Aunt Lizzy says:

    Wow – time flies! I cannot believe Cooper is 30!!! (HAHA nice typo Sus) Coope is such a big 3 year old now! Cannot wait to see everyone! Miss you all XOXO

  2. suehaydon says:

    LOL…Don’t you love my typos! Thanks Lizzy. We cannot wait to see Aunt Lizzy either! Miss you tons.