Cooper’s First Hair Cut

Cooper has sweaty head syndrome…Well… he is just a hot guy and plays hard. Because he had a full head of hair that was starting to have a rat tail in the back and wings on the side, Chris and I decided it was time to cut his hair. We were going to take him to a hair cutter, but decided spending $20 on a kid’s hair cut was not worth it. Chris buzz cuts his own hair and thought he could just buzz cut Cooper’s hair too. I thought this was a great idea because Cooper would have less hair on his head and help decrease the sweaty head syndrome and make him a little cooler. Well, the hair cut was traumatic. Cooper HATED having his hair buzzed. I think the sound of the clippers freaked him out. He cried and was shaking in fear. Thankfully, after we had finished cutting his hair, he was all smiles again.

Before Pictures:shaggyhair


After Pictures: coopershaircut2


One Comment on “Cooper’s First Hair Cut”

  1. Jo says:

    All that baby hair is gone!!! He is cute with his new hair do.