Old MacDonald’s Farm

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Houston. It was in the mid 70s. My mother-in-law called me in the morning and asked me if the three of us could go to a petting zoo called Old MacDonald’s Farm. So Cooper, myself, and my mother-in-law (Margie) all went! Cooper has a good time and enjoyed seeing all the animals. He loves the Cow and got real tickled when he made the cow jump up out of fright. I wish I had a good picture of him with the cow but I don’t. We also took a quick train ride around the property at the end of our visit. It was a fun day and here are some pictures of Cooper at the farm. oldmacdonald






This was Cooper’s second Halloween. His first Halloween he was a cow and we only trick-or-treated at two houses. He was only 6 weeks old at the time too. This year Cooper was a monkey. My mother-in-law bought him the costume and it was super cute. The only problem is that Cooper was not that trilled with the monkey suit. He did not like the head part of the costume and kept trying to rip it off. Eventually, I just gave in and took it off his head. We went trick-or-treating with an other couple from our small group and their daughter who is 12 months old. The two of them were so cute in their costumes.



Creative Toys

Cooper is getting bored with his toys and Chris and I just don’t have the money to go out and buy him a bunch of new toys. I decided to check out some books from the library, ask friends for advise, and look on the internet for ideas on how to find toys on a budget or make them. One of the toys that I made for Cooper, which he seems to like, is really simple.

I bought some clothes pins from the dollar store ($1) and I put a hole on the top of an old formula container. He enjoys putting the clothes pins in the container. Here are some pictures of him doing it.




Cooper’s New Chair




One Nap or Two?

So Cooper turned one a little over a week ago. It also seems that with the entry into toddler hood, also came the napping problem- one nap or two? Haha, sound like I am having tea, “one lump or two?” Anyways, Cooper is having trouble taking two naps, they seem to be too much for him, but one nap is still a stretch. I use to freak out when we had trouble with naps, but I am starting to relax and Cooper is becoming more flexible, thank God! He is awake for 3 hours in the morning and needs a nap. But come afternoon, he is awake for 4 hours before a nap. Making for a very late afternoon nap and an even later bedtime (not good!). So for all you mamas out there, how did you make the transition from one nap to two?

Just woke up from his nap

Just woke up from his nap

One Year Check-Up

Here is how our little man is growing:

Head 48.2 cm (92%ile)
Height 31.5 in (86%ile)
Weight 23lbs 12oz (64%ile)

Answer the Phone

Yesterday evening, the phone rang while we were eating dinner so we decided to let the answering machine get it. Cooper was sitting on the floor as the phone was ringing. He put his hand to his ear as if he was talking on the phone and then pointed to the phone on the counter. He repeated this twice. It was as if he was saying, “Hey, mom and dad, are you going to get the phone or what?” Smart kid!

Cooper’s 1st Birthday Party

Cooper is turning 1 on Tuesday September 22. We had a birthday party for him this weekend. He loved his cake and ice cream and got lots of presents. Here are some pictures from the day.

I make the monkey cake for Cooper.

I made the monkey cake for Cooper.

Cooper is digging into his cake.

Cooper is digging into his cake.

Cooper was yelling "yea" as we all clapped for him. Too Cute!

Cooper was yelling "yea" as we all clapped for him. Too Cute!

More of cooper clapping and saying, "yea" as he ate his cake.

More of cooper clapping and saying, "yea" as he ate his cake.

Happy Sugar High!

Happy Sugar High!

Getting Ready For Cooper’s First Birthday Party

Cooper is having his first birthday party this weekend. He turns one on Sept 22. We are just having family and some close friends. Nothing big. I have decided I was going to make Cooper’s birthday cake, a monkey cake. I am not sure how it will turn out, but I will make sure to post pictures once the cake is done. I am going to bake it this evening. We have company coming in tonight and tomorrow so I have to also finish cleaning the house. I HATE to clean. When we am rich one day (haha), I am going to hire a cleaning staff to clean my house every other week 😉 (Keep dreaming, right!?!) We bought some decorations, a birthday banner, and some cups and plates. I know that Cooper will have no idea that it is his birthday, but I am so excited to celebrate this huge milestone with my family. I will post pictures of his party this weekend!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Monitor Mishap

We have a video monitor is Cooper’s room that is sitting next to his crib on top of boxes. We have been too lazy to actually mount the monitor to the wall. Cooper has recently discovered that he can pull himself up in his crib and along with this he has also discovered the monitor next to the crib. This morning I turned on the monitor and watched Cooper stand up and his little face was smack dab in the middle of the monitor. He then got this mischievous grin that slid across his face. In a matter of seconds he pulled the monitor down and was giggling uncontrollably. Guess we need to finally mount the monitor.