A Woman After God’s Heart

Colleen is a dear friend of ours that we made when Chris and I lived in Maryland. She lives and does ministry with the youth of inner city Baltimore, Maryland. Here is a recent ministry news letter that she sent out. I read this and tears where welding up in my eyes. Colleen truly does desire to seek God’s heart and walk in His ways. I hope you find encouragement to seek God’s face and know his heart after you read Colleen’s ministry update!

Dear Friend and Ministry Partner,

I know it has been a while since I have sent out an update, it’s taken me a few months to get settled into my new ministry role and recovering from a long but productive summer! Before I begin to tell you about all the wonderful things God is doing in my heart, life and ministry let me just take a moment to thank you for being a partner, whether through prayer, finances or both, it is because of supporters such as your self that I am able to continue to love people full-time. I am so grateful that God is allowing us to partner to change His kingdom.

This summer God truly blessed Captivate East Baltimore, we hosted 8 Summer ministry teams, we hosted teams from as far away as Indiana and as close as Pennsylvania, they did everything from completely makeover the fellowship hall to host an Art Auction that raised nearly $600, $200 which went to the Helping up Mission (a local homeless shelter and recovery program to empower men) and about $275 that went to do something special for the kids at the end of the summer, and many many things in between, they loved us and our neighbors, just as Christ loves us!

Each week this summer we hosted a FREE summer camp for anywhere from 25-60 kids, it varied depending on the week, each week had a theme and each theme tied directly back to Jesus. This summer 25 kids accepted Christ, we are working hard to follow-up with each child and make sure they are connected to City Kids and the local church (Captivate), our hope is that through these kids we can reach their parents and families and build up a neighborhood of Christ followers. God was so good to us this summer!

God continues to be good to us, on Wednesday Nights we’ve kicked off a program called Kids Club, it meets from 6:45-8 p.m., the kids who join us are divided into small groups, where they can learn about Jesus in a non-threatening environment. God has blessed us with a small worship team, a group of wonderful small group leaders, and a gifted group of college students who come up with a craft each week to tie everything together. We vary from week to week on the number of kids there, however it’s going to grow in God’s time.

As I began to find my place in the neighborhood I’ve been welcomed with open arms by the majority of my neighbors, and I have began to form great relationships with them. My home is a constant revolving door of kids and neighbors and to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way, any given evening kids can be found eating a meal with me, reading, doing homework or playing games. I love that I get to share my home and heart with the people within my community. I love that when I leave the house I have to give myself an extra 5-10 minutes because I am going to have to explain exactly where I am going, who I am going with and when I will be back, I am thankful (most of the time) that as I have dinner there are eyes peering in my kitchen window, I am thankful that the kids don’t hold back, they tell me exactly what’s on their mind.

This week I will host my first small group in my home, a group of young women 17-22 we will meet on Thursday evenings, we will be studying Every Young Woman’s Battle, about keeping a pure heart and lifestyle in this world. The girls who are planning to come are amazing girls, who I have really connected with, my hope and desire is that they will begin to invite their friends, and the group of girls will grow. I continually thank God for providing such a place as this for me.

We have a few exciting weeks coming up as on October 30th at 5 p.m., the kids are taking over the evening service in East Baltimore, we’re going to be presenting the Pumpkin Gospel and sharing an evening of Kids Club with our “older friends” I am SO excited about this. We’ll also be hosting a fall fun night for the kids (October 26th) and a trip to the pumpkin patch (October 22nd). These are opportunities for us to love the kids, and share Jesus with them. I am so excited about the ways that God is allowing me to share the love of Christ with my neighbors.

Would you join me in prayer for a few things?

I am pursuing a dream of empowering young women through my story, I want to speak publicly about my story and how God has made me new. So this month I am speaking at a small girls retreat, I am SO excited about this but SO nervous, would you pray that God would allow me to say the right words, He would use my story to change someone’s life?

Would you pray that a relationship can happen with a few neighbors who I have been praying for? That if they don’t know Jesus they would come to know Him and if they do that they would step out of their comfort zone and join us in ministry on their block. That they would accept the invitation I have extended to them to come and get to know the children of our community. The past week my heart has been burdened for them and I find myself in constant prayer for heart change, would you join me?

Finally, would you pray that as I continue to follow the footsteps that God has ordered for me, that I would not step outside of them, that I would walk humbly and love just as Christ loves us?

If you’re local I would love to get together and share stories, show you where ministry happens and fellowship with you. Again I am SO THANKFUL for your love and support.

Blessings and prayers,
